美しい写真を撮るためには、いい写真家がいればいいと思う人も多いですが、それだけではありません。何を着るか、どのように着るかも、最高の写真を撮るための重要な要素です。 実を言うと、写真家の中には、素敵な服を着ていないときはがっかりするだろうと言っている人もいます。それは彼らが制御できない唯一のものです。優れた写真家は、素敵な背景と表情を持って素敵な写真を撮ろうとしますが、衣装は写真でコントロールできないものではありません。
それで、あなたが同じように感じるならば、ここにあなたのための解決策があります。忙しすぎて、ドレス、写真家、ヘアメイク、交通機関など、すべての個別のサービスを計画できない場合は、これで簡単にできます。 リディアハワイドレスレンタルは、ビーチフォトウェディングに必要なすべてのアイテムを含むウェディングフォトパッケージプランを提供しています
価格はたったの1200ドルです (プラス税5%と必要に応じてヒント)そしてドレスをアップグレードするための追加費用はありません!
このパッケージのドレスとタキシードは、 このカタログから見ることができます。
Add more locations or dress to enjoy more Hawaiian wedding photography while you are in Hawaii.
Add or change location, such as Downtown, Waikiki, and Kakaako
Add or change to Sunset Photo Session.
Add one more outfit +$650
Drone Photo (Available only limited beach due to permission.)
Upgrade limousine
Upgraded photo retouch (erasing many people at beach, elaborated skin retouch, etc.) +$80~
Printed version of Album making. +$350~
If you want to make the photo package with ceremony, "All Inclusive Beach Wedding Ceremony Plan" is much better deal.

Charter limousine or change transportation to limousine and take photos with limousine.

Free of charge to let your friends or family to join the photo session. Transportation is limited so please ask for additional guests to join the photo session.

Enjoy relaxing ukulele music


Add special additional photo retouch or printed album as an option

Any custmization request or any questions, please feel free to set up ZOOM appointment, or send us email.
WAIKIKI SPECIAL PLAN : Add Extra Dress & Location
If you want to have more variety of photographs, why don't you add one more dress photo shooting in one more location!
Beautiful beach photographs and fun Waikiki town photo together. Add $650 to the Basic All Inclusive Package Plan.
Additional Outfit Only: $550
Additional Location: $350
Total: $900 →$650 ($250 saving)
Special Enhancement Package
Add both fresh bouquet and limousine for only $400!!!
Fresh bouquet: +$300
Limousine: +$300
Total: $600 →$400!
Are you looking for more dynamic photographs? We can arrange Drone photo for you.
Drone photograph requires additional photo permit. We will get that permit and do a professional photographs at the beach. This photo shooting only available at the Kahala beach only. For price and details, please contact us. The average price will be around $2500 since the location is away from Waikiki and needs special requirements.

If you want to have RAW image files, we can do so with additional fee.
Please request us at the time of booking and pay additional fee at the day of photo shooting.